Photos posted on Facebook by former pirate DJs.

A number of former offshore broadcasters are on Facebook and have posted photos dating from their time at sea. We are very grateful to them for allowing us to reprint them here.

Tony Prince

Tony Prince was heard on both Caroline ships but was mainly based on Radio Caroline North.

Tony Prince
Tony Prince publicity shot.
Tony Prince
Tony Prince.
Bob Stewart
Bob Stewart in the Radio Caroline North studio.
Tony Prince and Gordon Cruse
Tony Prince and Gordy Cruse.
Tony Prince
Tony in the studio.
Tony Prince
Tony pictured for local paper, the Oldham Chronicle.

Ron O'Quinn

Ron O'Quinn was Programme Director, the boss of the ‘boss jocks’ on Swinging Radio England in 1966.

Ron O'Quinn
Ron O'Quinn on the deck of the mv Olga Patricia, the home of Swinging Radio England and Britain Radio.
Beatles tour pass
Beatles tour pass
Ron represented Radio England on The Beatles last tour of the USA. This is his backstage pass (both sides).
Ron O'Quinn and Paul McCartney
Ron with Paul McCartney on the Beatles tour of the States. There are photos of Ron with John Lennon and George Harrison on this page.
Ron O'Quinn and the Walker Brothers
Ron and the Walker Brothers.
Ron O'Quinn, Larry Dean and Nancy Sinatra
Left to right: Larry Dean, Nancy Sinatra and Ron O'Quinn. There is another photo of the guys with Nancy on this page.
mealtime on the Olga Patricia
Mealtime on the Olga Patricia with Ron and Larry Dean in the foreground, Jerry Smithwick, Brian Tylney and Rick Randall chatting behind.

More photos from DJs' private collections over the page.
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