Radio Caroline completed a one month “restricted service license” broadcast from Tilbury on 3rd September 2004. These photos were taken on August 30th, during the last week of programmes
from the ship.
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John Patrick on the air. This studio and mixing desk used to be used for Radio Monique, the Dutch service.
The Ross Revenge.
The original Caroline studio, now used for commercial production. The vintage Gates mixing desk is now largely for show. Most of the actual production work is done on the computer on the left of the
Caroline's record library. The vinyl isn't used much these days. There isn't a turntable in the on-air studio. Most of the music is played off computer.
The third studio. This used to be the home of the late night Caroline Overdrive service.
The Ross Revenge.
The old 50 kilowatt RCA transmitter.
The generators.
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Many thanks to the DJs, crew and helpers for the warm welcome on board. You can find information about the ship at