Commercial radio stations sell their advertising at different rates, depending on their audience size, demographics and the area covered. They usually publish these rates on cards distributed to advertising
The Pirate Radio Hall of Fame has a number of the rate cards published by the offshore stations of the sixties. We don't currently have cards from Radio Sutch (did they even issue one?), King Radio
or Radio 355. Can anyone help with these?
The first rate card from the UK's first offshore station.


Scans courtesy of Colin Nicol.
Caroline published a second rate card in June 1964 but, because the station merged with Atlanta in early July, it very quickly became redundant. Another version was issued (also referred to as no.2)
to cover both outlets - see lower down the page.




Courtesy of Gerry Zierler.
The Atlanta rate card also contained several pages of “terms and conditions” which we have omitted.
Click here to see the complete document.




Scans courtesy of Colin Nicol.
After Atlanta and Caroline joined forces, a new rate card was issued to cover the two ships.
We have omitted the page of technical specifications.
To see the whole document click here.




From the collection of Peter Jameson.
Caroline's rate card also included this map showing the areas covered by their transmissions.