This Google search box should help you find whoever or whatever you are looking for in The Pirate Radio Hall of Fame. If you were a fan of a particular offshore station, the lists below will guide you to the relevant features.



1964 booklet About Radio Caroline
1964 Radio Caroline accounts ledger
Tribute to Robin Adcroft
Caroline and Atlanta advertising rate cards
Tribute to Mike Ahern
Ray Clark interviews Mike Ahern
Recordings of Mike Ahern
Caroline Countdown of Album Sound
Don Allen's photos
More of Don Allen's photos
Spotlight on Don Allen
Two Caroline ships in Amsterdam
Ian Anderson's Radio Seagull photos
Ray Clark interviews Tom Anderson
Andy Archer's 1974 diary
Press article about Caroline from 1978
More press articles about Caroline from 1978-9
Tribute to John Aston
John Aston's documents
Radio Atlanta advertising rate card
Radio Atlanta documents
TV show about Australians on Caroline
Nick Bailey's home movies
Nick Bailey's photos
Ray Clark interviews Nick Bailey
Ray Clark interviews Terry Bate
Caroline excutive Terry Bate's photos
Caroline DJs at Battersea Fun Fair
Certificate of Commission in the Beat Fleet
A beer for Radio Caroline's birthday
Ray Clark interviews Colin Berry
First birthday greetings
Caroline DJs celebrate the station's 40th birthday
Caroline DJs celebrate the station's 45th birthday
Radio Caroline's 50th birthday party
More celebrations of Caroline's 50th birthday
Tony Blackburn - 40 years behind the mic
Spotlight on Tony Blackburn
Nick Bolland's Ross Revenge photos
A book on Caroline's 40th birthday
A book on Caroline's 50th birthday
A book about Caroline in the 70s
Engineer Morris Brown's photo album
Tribute to Errol Bruce
The Caroline Buoy-O-Boy
Remembering the start of Caroline North
Caroline North documents and photos of Caroline South
The two Caroline ships
The two Caroline ships in 1970
The Caroline Cash Casino post arrives
Caroline borrows the Cheeta II
Ray Clark interviews Peter Chicago
Caroline's Class Of '74 mini-reunion
Aftermath of Caroline's 1968 closedown
1964 Caroline Club booklet
1965 Caroline Club booklet
Caroline Club memorabilia
More Caroline Club memorabilia
Marion Adamson (née Cochrane) - memories and photos
Tribute to Marion Adamson (née Cochrane)
Ray Clark interviews Carl Conway
The journalist who became the Radio Caroline cook
Chris Cooper's photo album
Interview with Atlanta founder Allan Crawford
Caroline North's proposed cruise
Ray Clark corresponds with Gord Cruse
Tribute to Robbie Dale
The Admiral Robbie Dale comes aboard
Some Robbie Dale correspondence
Robbie Dale's photo album
Ray Clark interviews Robbie Dale
Spotlight on Roger Day
Memorabilia and a day trip to Caroline North
Videos from a day trip to Radio Caroline in May 1978
Magazine articles by Caroline DJ Simon Dee
Tribute to Simon Dee
Caroline South DJ roster 1964/5
The Caroline South DJs in 1966
Some Caroline DJs in April 1974
Caroline's Dutch service, 1979
Steve England's photo album
Interview with Ken Evans
Tribute to Ken Evans
Some Caroline DJ fan clubs
Caroline commemorative stone in Felixstowe
Ray Clark interviews Martin Fisher
Radio Caroline's 1964 programme format
Archive photos of the mv Fredericia
Plans of the mv Fredericia
Who was Frobisher Collingwood?
Tribute to Graham Gill
Paul Graham's photo album
Keith Hampshire's photo album
Keith Hampshire visits London
Ray Clark interviews Keith Hampshire
Tribute to Tom Hardy
George Hare's documents from Mick Luvzit's wedding
Ray Clark interviews Nigel Harris / Stuart Russell
Interview with Radio Atlanta's Richard Harris
A home movie shot on Caroline South
Mi Amigo towed to IJmuiden
The Isle Of Man celebrates Radio Caroline North
Johnny Jackson's Radio Atlanta memorabilia
Ray Clark interviews Johnny Jason
The Ric Jonns interview
Tribute to Kitty Black
Stevie Lane's photo album
Radio Caroline launch press release
Letters from Jerry Leighton
Ray Clark interviews Johnny Lewis
A listener's trip to Caroline South 1964
Another listener's trip to Caroline South 1964
A listener's trip to Caroline South, 1966
A listener's trip to Caroline South 1967
Tom Lodge's photo album
The Radio Caroline Story by Tom Lodge
Tribute to Tom Lodge
Mick Luvzit's wedding pictures
Video of Mick Luvzit's wedding day
Tribute to Mick Luvzit
Ray Clark interviews Ian MacRae
Ian MacRae in 2018
Caroline Martin's photos
More of Caroline Martin's photos
The Keith Martin story
Tribute to Keith Martin
Ray Clark interviews Mark Matthews
Paul McKenna's photo album
Plans of the mv Mi Amigo
A letter from the Captain of the Mi Amigo
Mi Amigo in harbour 1972/4
Mi Amigo at sea 1973/4
A visit to mv Mi Amigo in 1979
Caroline's Mi Amigo goes aground
The Mi Amigo returns
The Mi Amigo sinks
The Carl Mitchell papers
Caroline DJs as fashion models
Tribute to Spangles Muldoon
Who is the sunbathing newsman?
Tribute to engineer Martin Newton
Colin Nicol's Caroline North programme schedule
Colin Nicol's photo album
Paul Noble's photo album
Paul Noble in 2018
1965 interview with Ronan O'Rahilly
Tribute to Ronan O'Rahilly
Photo of The O'Rahilly
Tony Palmer's photo album
Ray Clark interviews Peter Philips
The Pirates' Pact, a 1964 Sunday Mirror article
Tony Prince's photos
The Tony Prince story
Caroline South's programme schedule from June 1965
Teun Pronk's pictures of the Caroline crew
Caroline's second rate card
Bob Read and Gord Cruse on shore-leave
Caroline and Atlanta recordings from 1964
That's my Radio Atlanta request!
Reunion of Caroline DJs from the late 70s
The Caroline Revival Hour
Ray Clark interviews Nick Richards
Ray Clark interviews Emperor Rosko
Ray Clark interviews Ian Ross
1983 return of Caroline from mv Ross Revenge
The mv Ross Revenge is moved, 2014
Photos of the Ross Revenge in 1984
Radio Caroline in the seventies
Radio Caroline in the sixties
Correspondence from DJ Keith Skues
Ray Clark interviews Keith Skues
Mark Sloane's photos
Ray Clark interviews Philip Solomon
Tribute to Philip Solomon
Manfred Sommer's scrapbook
Caroline South audio montage
Tribute to Neil Spence
The Spirit of the 70s reunion
The second Spirit of the 70s reunion
A word from our sponsors
Tribute to Sir Jocelyn Stevens
Tribute to Bob Stewart
Mark Stuart's photos of Caroline in the 80s
Sylvan the stowaway visits Caroline South
Caroline Television press cuttings
Caroline North's Ray Teret with the Beatles
Interview with Caroline engineer Carl Thomson
Carl Thomson's Caroline photo album
Radio Caroline in Tilbury
Caroline North & South are towed away
Alan Turner's photo album
Ray Clark interviews Alan Turner
Ray Clark interviews Kevin Turner
Tribute to Tommy Vance
A visit to Caroline South in 1965
Bryan Vaughan in 2018
When Bryan Vaughan met Jack Spector
Spotlight on Johnnie Walker
Tribute to Johnnie Walker
Ray Clark interviews Graham Webb
Tribute to Graham Webb
1964 article from Weekend magazine
Jason Wolfe's photo album
Mike Wright's photo album
Steve Young's photos
Photos of the Caroline ships in Zaandam harbour
More of the Caroline ships in Zaandam
Even more of the Caroline ships in Zaandam

Radio London advertising rate card
The Radio London DJs rescue an American pilot
Kenny Everett on tour with The Beatles
Tribute to Philip Birch
DJs celebrate the 40th birthday
DJs celebrate the 50th birthday
Spotlight on Tony Blackburn
Tony Blackburn - 40 years behind the mic
Tribute to Dave Cash
Tribute to Dave Dennis
The Radio East Anglia April Fool
Promotional photo of John Edward
John Edward at the Miss GLC Beauty Contest
Books about Kenny Everett
Goodbye Maurice Cole, Hello Kenny Everett
A plaque outside Kenny Everett's old home
Spotlight on Kenny Everett
Plans of the mv. Galaxy
Tribute to Graham Gill
Radio London's ship in Hamburg harbour
Engineer Dave Hawkins's photos
We had a holiday with the DJs
A home movie shot on Radio London
Tribute to Duncan Johnson
Duncan Johnson's mystery guests
Duncan Johnson's photos
Duncan Johnson's 70th birthday party
Duncan Johnson's 75th birthday party
Tribute to Alan Keen
Electrician John Lait's photos
DJ Mike Lennox in 2007
Tribute to Mike Lennox
A listener's trip to Radio London
A listener's trip to Big L, 1966
Tribute to engineer Martin Newton
Tribute to John Peel
Ship's steward Mitch Philistin's 21 year reunion picture
Mitch Philistin's photo album
Some Radio London photos
The Radio London racing cars
Off-air recordings from January 1965
Promotions Manager Gordon Sheppard's photos
Ray Clark interviews Keith Skues
A word from our sponsors
Tribute to Ed Stewart
Radio London racing driver Keith St.John in action
The Radio London story
Tribute to Ben Toney
Tribute to Tommy Vance
A visit to Big L in 1965
A visit to Big L in 1967
Willy Walker's photos
Willy Walker's 65th birthday
Spotlight on Tony Windsor


Interview with Chris Gosling


Radio Essex DJs mark the 40th anniversary of the launch
and the fortieth anniversary of the closedown
Tribute to Roy Bates
The 2008 reunion
The 2015 reunion
Guy Hamilton's photos
The plans of Knock John fort
Article about court case from Practical Wireless magazine
Photos found on a rubbish tip
Roger Scott's photos
Tribute to David Sinclair
David Sinclair's e-book about his time on the station
David Sinclair's photos
David Sinclair's recordings
Tribute to Chris Stewart
The Radio Essex story

Radio 270 advertising rate card
Tribute to John Aston
BBC Radio York marks Radio 270's 40th anniversary
Robin Best's photos
An interview with Paul Burnett
Guy Hamilton's photos
Letters from DJ Ed Moreno
More letters from DJ Ed Moreno
Some Radio 270 press cuttings
Tribute to Wilf Proudfoot
Memories of Radio 270
Two Radio 270 reunions
Roger Scott's photos
Press cuttings and 270 Set correspondence
Tribute to David Sinclair
David Sinclair's e-book about his time on the station
David Sinclair's photos
David Sinclair's recordings
Tribute to Dennis Straney
Tribute to Leon Tipler
Leon Tipler's photos
Leon Tipler's tape archive
Leon Tipler and Noel Miller's video
Tribute to Ben Toney
Radio 270 Top 40s
Hal Yorke's photos

Radio City advertising rate cards
Woolf Byrne in the Radio City studio
The Calvert family photos
Our tribute to Dorothy Calvert
Tribute to Dorothy Calvert by daughter Candy Calvert-Ansari
Some City Sixty charts, 1965 - 1967
The Radio City chef remembers
Photos of Radio City DJ Alan Clark
Some Radio City Club memorabilia
Constructing Radio City's fort
Some Rado City correspondence and memorabilia
Cliff Cuttelle's photo album
Colin Dale's memories of Radio Sutch
Death Of A Pirate book about Radio City
Dismantling the Tower of Power
Photos and memorabilia from chef Luc Dunne
Johnny Flux on Shivering Sands
Peter Jameson's memorabilia
Eric Jay's photos
Ian MacRae in 2018
Some Radio City memorabilia
Letters from DJ Ed Moreno
More letters from DJ Ed Moreno
The plans of Shivering Sands fort
Two plays about Reg and Dorothy Calvert
Radio City press cuttings
More press cuttings
Bill Price's photos and cuttings
Dutch pop group Q65 pay a visit
The raid on Shivering Sands
Radio City 50th anniversary reunion
The Radios Sutch and City story
Tribute to Dennis “the Menace” Straney

Tribute to Tony Allan
Tribute to Alan Black
Some Clan 242 memorabilia
Converting the Comet, Radio Scotland's ship
Plans of the Comet
Some DJ photos
Some DJ photos and press cuttings
Ben Healy's press cuttings
Ben Healy's mini-reunion
Stuart Henry photo page
Station honoured by Glasgow's Lord Provost
Jimmy Mack's photos
Gordon McCallum's photos
The first edition of Radio Scotland's 242 magazine
The second edition of Radio Scotland's 242 magazine
More from Radio Scotland's 242 magazine
Radio Scotland memorabilia
A review of Jack McLaughlin's book Pirate Jock
Radio Scotland recordings from July 1966
Photos found on a rubbish tip
Some Radio Scotland scripts
Radio Scotland ship in harbour after it was all over
Tribute to Bob Spencer
The Radio Scotland story
Radio Scotland Super 50 charts
The voyages of Radio Scotland

Radio England / Britain Radio advertising rate cards
Tribute to John Aston
Tribute to Alan Black
Look Boden's photos
Radio England Boss 40/Fun 50 charts
The early death of DJ Boom Boom Brannigan
Tribute to Errol “Bosscat” Bruce
Tom Collins's photos of Radio 355 DJs
DJ Tom Cooper's recordings
Jack Curtiss's memorabilia
Jack Curtiss reunited with Johnny Dark after 42 years
Memorabilia from Johnny Dark/Harry Putnam
Spotlight on Roger Day
Radio England/Britain Radio DJ photos
Tribute to Graham Gill
A home movie shot on Radio 355
Martin Kayne in the studio
Memories of Swinging Radio England and Britain Radio
Letters from DJ Ed Moreno
More letters from DJ Ed Moreno
Ron O'Quinn's photos
Some Radio England photos
The DJs' 40th anniversary reunion
Tribute to John Ross-Barnard
The Radio 355 story
Spotlight on Johnnie Walker

Radio Invicta advertising rate card
Radio 390 advertising rate card
David Allan's photos
A beer for Radio 390
Peter Berkeley's photos
Photos of Radio 390 presenter Christopher Clark
Edward Cole's photos
Tribute to Gary Courtney
The demise of Radio 390
Graham Gill's photos
Tribute to Graham Gill
Bob Graham's Radio Invicta adventure
Mark Hammerton's tape collection
The Radio Invicta story
The brief reign of King Radio
Discovering King Radio testing
The Keith Martin/Gary Courtney story
Letters from DJ Ed Moreno
More letters from DJ Ed Moreno
Photos of Invicta DJ Ed Moreno
Radio Invicta boss Tom Pepper's photos
Phil Perkins remembers
Article about court case from Practical Wireless magazine
Radio Invicta press cuttings
Radio 390 press cuttings
The Radio 390 story
Radio 390 rate card and programme schedule
Letters from DJ Mike Raven
Red Sands fort 40 years later
Radio 390's Reveille magazine competition
Tribute to John Ross-Barnard
Roger Scott's photos
Radio 390 Country Style script
Tribute to David Sinclair
David Sinclair's e-book about his time on the station
David Sinclair's recordings
David Sinclair's photos
Tribute to John Stewart
Brief Radio 390 video clip

The Radio Atlantis story
Eddie Austin's photos
Steve England's home movies
Steve England's memories of Atlantis
Steve England's photo album
Steve England's tape archive
John Harding's photo album
An Atlantis Hotline of Hits chart
The Jeanine after Atlantis
Atlantis press cuttings
Dave Rogers's photo album
Ray Clark interviews Dave Rogers
Tribute to Leon Tipler (“Scott Mitchell” on Atlantis)


Tribute to Tony Allan
Don Allen's photos
Spotlight on Don Allen
RNI DJs gather at the 2005 Radio Day in Amsterdam
Ian Anderson's photos
Tribute to Robin Banks
Edwin Bollier posts on Facebook
A Radio Northsea contract of employment
Spotlight on Roger Day
More recordings of RNI on FM
Tribute to Graham Gill
Tribute to Duncan Johnson
Roger Kent's photo album
Roger Kent's memories of RNI's closure
Steve King's photo album
Paul May's photo album
Day-trip to the Mebo II
Letters from DJ Ed Moreno
Tribute to Spangles Muldoon
A North Sea boat trip
Northsea Goes DX magazine
RNI photos from 1970
Some RNI photos
More RNI photos
Some RNI press cuttings
More RNI press cuttings
RNI's rate card
The R.N.I story
Dave Rogers's photo album
Ray Clark interviews Dave Rogers

Laser-558's 30th anniversary
Photos of the Communicator in 1984
Press cuttings about Laser
Jeff Davis's photo album
Michael Dean's photo album
Erin Kelly's photo album
Choose the cover for Erin Kelly's book.
Paul McKenna's photos of Caroline and Laser
Rob Olthof's photos of Laser-558
The Laser story
Mark Stuart's photos of Laser
Mark Stuart's recordings of Laser-558

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