Following our appeal for photos of the Radio London racing cars, we received an email from Peter Cromer. He wrote: “I was a weekend pro photographer covering Brands Hatch and other
circuits in the late sixties. A lot of my pictures were used on the programmes for events. I have an extemely nice picture of Keith St. John taken at Brands Hatch in the Elva BMW 1991 at the Radio London
races on 18th June 1967.
It was taken at the next bend after Druids Bend, known as Bottom Bend in those sixties days. Probably at some point a ‘naughty’ interpretation of this name disturbed the delicate sensibilities of
the politically correct sufficiently to have it renamed as Graham Hill Bend - which it is now.
In the picture, Keith is heading through Bottom Bend into Cooper Straight. It looks like there is some previous front end damage to the Elva.
Those were fond, wonderful days with the pirate stations and I can remember some of the DJs clowning around at some of the between-race fun events. I'll have to see if I can find any more pictures of them from
back then. I left England in '68 to work in the Middle East and after a short return in '72 and some more racing photography, I emigrated to Canada (Calgary) where I now live.”

Peter has also sent this photo, below, taken at another event. It shows an unidentified disc-jockey (we think it is Radio London's Mike Lennox*) posing for
a fan's camera. Peter says “This was one of the more flamboyant DJs from what I remember but I don't have a name. I suspect this might have been at a stock car race rather than a circuit like Brands
In September 2014 we received an email from Geert Roubroeks of Roermond, Netherlands. He has identified where the Mike Lennox photo was taken. He says “This is the pitgate at Foxhall Stadium,
Ipswich. The stock car promoter Spedeworth advertised on Radio London in 1967. Their track-list back then included Ipswich, Eastbourne, Wimbledon, Aldershot,
Great Yarmouth and Reading. Radio London DJs made appearances at Ipswich and Wimbledon, including a few of them taking part in racing as well (in borrowed stock cars). Spedeworth are still in operation at these tracks,
apart from Reading which closed down for them in the sixties. I race myself in a classic stock car at Spedeworth - in a Mk1 Ford Cortina. It's the same kind of racing that DJ Johnnie Walker
did in his early BBC days. Being an offshore radio fan, my start-number has an offshore connection. It is 259.”
Our grateful thanks to Geert Roubroeks and Peter Cromer.

* One of Mike Lennox's Radio London colleagues has written to confirm that it is Mike in the picture. Willy Walker says “Yes that indeed is Mike ......
and the bolero pants are the ones he wore on the last day of Big L” (see here).
Photos ©Peter Cromer.
In December 2010 we heard from George Smith. He wrote: “I thought you may be interested in this photo I took in 1965. On the reverse I have written
‘Keith St John pointing at his Brabham Ford and his Elva BMW.’ It is dated 31/07/1965. I'm sure it was taken at the Crystal Palace circuit. In those days you could wander freely.” George confirms that,
as he remembers it, both the Radio London cars were painted purple.

In March 2013, John Crick got in touch: “While scanning all my motor racing slides from the 60s I came across this photo that I took at Crystal Palace in 1965. It
was the Whit Monday international meeting with all the Grand Prix stars driving the F2s, so big crowd! Keith was entered in the Elva Trophy race but not sure if he started. Hope it might help you.”
Thanks John.

In August 2015 we heard from Peter Mockler: “Thought these pix might be of interest. They are of Jim Sullivan driving a Brabham at Snetterton in 1965. Keith is alongside him in
one photo and chasing him in the other. Jim was the driver for Team Promecon, an engineering firm based in Brentford, and drove for them in '65 & '66. The owner of Promecon was the father of a good school chum of mine who
lived next door and kept the Brabham in his garage alongside their house in Ruislip.”
First, the photo of Keith St.John (number 78) alongside Jim Sullivan (79):

And here is Keith chasing Jim:

Our thanks to Peter.
In August 2020 Brian Nichols of the Felixstowe & Offshore Radio Facebook page wrote: “I was looking through your pics
and you don't appear to have a copy of the attached one (of the Radio London racing car), which was taken by Del Firman, one of our ‘contributors’ who died earlier this year:

With thanks to Brian.
In March 2023 we heard from Ken Smith: “I'm scanning all my old slides and, whilst Googling to check on the details, found your site and your plea for photos of the Radio London Racing Team. So here is
my contribution. It was taken on 8th August 1965 at the Brands Hatch BRSCC St Johns Trophy Car Races.”

With many thanks to Bill.