Making Waves by David Sinclair - FREE!!

Making Waves

Back in 2015 David Sinclair (real name David Vincent) wrote an autobiographical e-book about his time working as a DJ on Radio Essex, Radio 270 and Radio 390.
He published it himself under the title Making Waves.
Sadly David died in 2018 (see tribute) and his work has not been available for some time.
Recently David's son, Chris Vincent, contacted The Pirate Radio Hall of Fame. He wrote: “I was curious if you would be at all interested in hosting my late father's e-book, Making Waves, on your website. I'd like it to remain available at no cost to anyone interested and thought your site might be the ideal place.”
We are, of course, only too happy to help. It is a fascinating book and deserves as wide an audience as possible (and has a foreword written by your webmaster!) so, with Chris's generous assistance, we are now offering it free of charge to anyone who wants to download a copy.
It is available in two formats:
1) As an epub file. Files of this format can be used on various e-book readers, but unfortunately not Kindle.
2) As a pdf file. Most modern computers have built-in PDF readers and this format can also be read on a Kindle.
Left-click to access, right-click to download, whichever file type you prefer:



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