A Swinging Radio England identification, recorded by singer Brian Poole. The station launched with a number of these. Other stars offering support were Roy Orbison, Nancy Sinatra and the Everley
Brothers (duration 5 seconds)
Tom's former colleague Chuck Blair, starting his show on the last day of Radio London. On this one occasion The Perfumed Garden show had continued through the
night. John recalls that Chuck signed on and played the “My Hometown” jingle at 5:30am. This is an edited version of what followed (duration 1 minute 39 seconds)
Extracts from a demo tape made by Tom Cooper in 1966. Radio England was about to be replaced by a station called “Swinging Radio Holland” and he must have felt his job was under threat.
This recording was made as an audition tape to help Tom get a position back in the States. He inserted a number of television commercials in an effort to make it sound more professional. Incidentally, by the time it
made it onto the air, Radio Holland had been renamed Radio Dolfijn (duration 1 minute 33 seconds)
A news bulletin from shortly after the Aberfan pit disaster, read by Tom's colleague John Ross-Barnard. There are less jingles and sound effects than usual, maybe
because of the severity of that particular news story (duration 1 minute 34 seconds)
A recording from WDNG, Anniston, Alabama in June 1968. Tom Cooper had returned to the USA and found a new job, where he broadcast under his real name (duration 1 minute 15 seconds)
Many thanks to John for allowing us to hear this fascinating collection. He has promised to send more when time permits.