Advertising rate cards of the sixties, continued.


Radio Scotland rate card Radio Scotland rate card
Radio Scotland rate card Radio Scotland rate card
Courtesy of Gerry Zierler.


Radio England's advertising rates were very similar to Radio London's. Both stations were founded by the same man, Don Pierson.

Radio England / Britain Radio rate card

Scan courtesy of Grey Pierson.


Radio Tower issued a rather lavish rate card, full of population details of the proposed coverage area (which we have omitted here). In reality the station never established a regular service.

Radio Tower rate card Radio Tower rate card
Radio Tower rate card Radio Tower rate card
Courtesy of Gerry Zierler.


Radio 270 was due to open on 1st April 1966 and the rate card was dated accordingly. Unfortunately there were delays and it didn't make it onto the air until June.

Radio 270's first rate card

Radio 270's first rate card

Scans courtesy of Luuk Meuwese.

Our thanks to all the contributors.
If you have any other offshore radio rate cards from the sixties, please get in touch.
Back to the previous page.
The rate card for Radio Northsea International, published in 1970, is here.

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