Radio Northsea International: advertising rate card

Commercial radio stations sell their advertising at different rates, depending on their audience size, demographics and the area covered. They usually publish these rates on cards distributed to advertising agencies.
A number of rate cards from the sixties can be found here. This one is from the next generation of offshore stations, the Swiss-owned Radio Northsea International which launched in 1970.
It is rather more lavish than a mere card. It is also a promotional booklet with a poster tucked in the back.
Our copy is undated but, judging by the broadcast frequencies quoted, it was published in the very earliest days of the station, possibly even before it went on air. RNI was only on 186 metres until the end of March 1970.


Radio Northsea International's first rate card

Radio Northsea International's first rate card

Radio Northsea International's first rate card

Radio Northsea International's first rate card

Radio Northsea International's first rate card

Radio Northsea International's first rate card

Radio Northsea International's first rate card

Radio Northsea International's first rate card

Radio Northsea International's first rate card

Radio Northsea International's first rate card

It looks as if RNI's plans changed after the booklet had been written: The station DJs did not “comment in several languages” - just English and German in 1970. Nor was the news “given in several languages” - just English that year. Programmes and news bulletins in Dutch began in 1971. No programmes were recorded in the “four ... studios in Zurich” as far as we know and religious programmes were not transmitted on the 31 metre short wave band.
The longitude and latitude given above, 52° 5' 2" N, 3° 55' 9" E, relate to a position off the Hook of Holland. For most of its broadcast life, the Mebo II was anchored further up the coast than that, off Scheveningen. In May 1971, during the fire-bomb attack on the ship, DJ Alan West gave the position as 52° 11' N, 4° 16' E.
As mentioned above, there was a poster which accompanied the booklet. Click on it to enlarge:

Radio Northsea International poster

With grateful thanks to Bob Arnold.

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