TO .... CHIEF DISC JOCKEY NORTH AND SOUTH Following is an EXACT running of the Caroline News Service, to be known not as “the news” but is always to be referred to as “CAROLINE NEWSBEAT”. The hourly news bulletins are to be presented as follows ......... D.J. ...... This is Radio Caroline (North/South) where the time (Bulova Watch time) is ... PLAY NEWSBEAT OPENER (Bulletin on the hour - Newsbeat Headlines on the ½ hr) NEWSREADER ...... Straight into the first item and after completion of news say... That's the news and now on the weather front.... (read weather) and the Caroline temperature check is .... (read appropriate temp) D.J. ...... (Play final theme) NEWSREADER ...... Next news on Caroline ...... (time) On the Newsbeat ...... (name) D.J. ...... (Straight into STATION JINGLE and CROSS to TOP 20 record or next D.J.'s theme without comment.) NEWSFLASHES ................ D.J. ...... (Without comment cuts the record playing at the end of a chorus and CROSSES straight into NEWSFLASH INTRO on cassette.) NEWSREADER ...... (Reads item with conciseness and urgency and REPEATS) He then says... This NEWSBEAT NEWSFLASH will be repeated in full at ............. D.J. ...... (WITHOUT COMMENT immediately crosses back to his interrupted record at an appropriate spot, after which he says....) You'll hear CAROLINE NEWSBEAT in ..... minutes from now. N.B. Please try to adhere closely to the preceding format so as to give the news its deserved dignity and also to maintain continuity in presentation.
Graham Webb
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