The Mi Amigo Sinks, continued

The cuttings on this page were kindly provided by Ray Clark and Merbie.

The Guardian, 21st March 1980:

The Guardian

The Daily Telegraph, 21st March 1980:

The Daily Telegraph

The Daily Mirror, 21st March 1980:

The Daily Mirror

The Sun, 21st March 1980:

The Sun

Caroline DJ Mike Stevens was on shore leave when the disaster occurred. He told The Pirate Radio Hall of Fame: “While I used to live in the West Country, I was in London when it happened. I remember listening to the station and hearing long strings of numbers being called out and wondering what on earth was happening. It sounded serious. When I heard the announcement that they were leaving the ship for the lifeboat, I did ring the office to see if they needed me to go down to the coast to pick anyone up, but they didn't. The next day we gathered in Robb Eden's flat and the phone was ringing off the hook with the media trying to get quotes. We just took turns to answer it. I spoke to the Daily Express who misquoted me and called me a Radio Caroline executive!”

Daily Express, 21st March 1980:

Daily Express

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