The fans' memorabilia

Mike Lewis's offshore radio press cuttings

Some press cuttings from 1964 and 1965 from the collection of correspondent Mike Lewis.

Daily Mirror cutting
Daily Mirror cutting Daily Mirror cutting

Daily Mirror 18th December 1964. The Dutch authorities board and close Radio/TV Noordzee.

Sun cutting
Undated cutting from The Sun. There are some scripts from the egg advertising campaign here.
Sun cutting
The Sun, 8th January 1965.
Daily Mail cutting
Daily Mail, 3rd March 1965.
Daily Telegraph cutting
Daily Telegraph, 3rd March 1965.
cutting from The Sun
The Sun, 23rd March 1965.
Kentish Express cutting
The arrival of King Radio. The Kentish Express, 26th March 1965.
cutting from The Sun
The Sun, 21st April 1965.
More on this story here.
cutting from The Sun
The Sun, 20th May 1965. George Short, who helped Reg Torr start Radio Pamela, was later involved with Radio Tower.
cutting from The Daily Mirror
Daily Mirror, 1st June 1965.
Simon Dee goes legit.
Daily Mirror cutting
Daily Mirror, 1st June 1965.
Evening News cutting
Evening News, 2nd July 1965,
on Tony Carroll. There is another cutting
on the same story here.

Music Echo cutting
Roger Gale column from Music Echo, 4th September 1965.

More from Mike's collection over page.
Back to previous page.
Press cuttings from 1964 and '65 provided by another correspondent can be found here.

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